The actual design of a web page is incredibly important. From the font to the images to the written content, those who embark on web design in Toronto know the importance of every little detail. But what would a website be if it didn’t bring a viewer in, making it irresistible to not stay and click around for some time? It would just be a simple one page content-less piece of media with no use other than to be visually pleasing! This is where calls to action come in.

Calls to action are simple ways web designers get people to click further into the website in order to make them more likely to stay awhile and get more immersed in the content at hand. Persuading web users to click through is almost like an art form. Web designers use different tactics and clever placement to guide the eyes, and then the mouse, to the right place to keep on clicking.

Toeing the line

It can be quite a balance when toeing the line between being too in-your-face with a sales pitch and having a call to action that is noticeable enough. Calls to action are different for each web design in Toronto, and are based on the site’s purpose or product. The call may be to make a purchase, sign up to a newsletter or anything that helps the business or company grow and prosper. So, in essence, the call is indeed a sales pitch in a way, but it shouldn’t feel that way.

To be unique and not too obvious, you need a good balance of creative wordplay and inviting images. Create a clever but irresistible phrase or sentence that makes someone want to learn more. Create intrigue by simply stating a fact about the company or product that makes them want to learn more by clicking through.

Beautiful, honest and straightforward

If the end goal is for the website visitor to make a purchase or spend money in some way, be sure you aren’t being deceiving about the process. The viewer should understand what they are clicking and should never be tricked into suddenly being in a shopping bag full of items they didn’t realize they added. Instead, make the purchasing process aesthetically pleasing but not confusing. It should be clear that what they are clicking is for purchasing, and it should be a pleasant process that is not rushed so they feel free to continue shopping as though it were a brick and mortar store.

Don’t be afraid to change calls to action often, especially from season to season. Keep them timely and on trend. For instance, during the holidays or summertime, have calls that match the types of things people are likely hoping to find. Remember that the most successful calls to action are subtle yet pleasing and stand out in a good way. Having a good balance paired with a beautiful and clear message is the perfect recipe for a successful call to action.